Our Work

It starts with strong partnerships!

Our partnerships with school communities focus on long-term solutions to ensure children can access quality education. Our work also has an emphasis on placing dignity and value on children, so they can reach their potential and make a positive contribution to the world. 

Current Projects

School Library, the Philippines

We are partnering with Guadalupe Elementary School in Cebu to relocate and resource their library. The school has approx. 5,000 students from Kindergarten to Year 6, but their current tiny library cannot accommodate such a large number of students. It is poorly ventilated, has inadequate furniture and has a floor surface riddled with termite damage. The new library is a game-changer for literacy as it will give students easy access to books and learning resources, and provide an opportunity to further their literacy program. Funds will enable the library to be relocated into a concrete building, with new furniture, bookcases, and many age-appropriate books and learning resources! To donate please click on the button below:

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